Friday, 26 April 2019

The Dark Plan(True life)

The Night was fast approaching and the atmosphericcondition was relatively cold prior to little drizzle ofrainfall that reflected on the moment. Thecozy breathof nature emitted fresh breeze that circulated aroundevery nook and crany of the house which eventuallymade it unnecessary to power the air-conditionerregardless of stable electricity from the generator powerplant mounted in the house. Jude was living the life of aking and could afford almost anything he needed as aman, yet was unmarried as a result of his occupation,even though he wasn’t getting any younger.
Often times, he wished he could wake up every morningas a responsible individual and not someone who wouldhave to steal or kill to survive. He had thought ofchanging that status several times but could seldomphantom the feasibility of that ever happening.The door to the parlour was soon opened and they bothstepped into the sitting-room which was practically amini-heaven. Elo could hardly believe her eyes as shehad entered the most expensive house in her entire life.Jude positioned her comfortably on the sofa located atthe southern flank of the room, and proceeded to hishome-theatre system that instantly began playing slowRnB rhythm which was dimly volumed.
He then startedpulling off his shirt while Elo surprisingly watched andstarted imagining how she was about to be molested bya criminal. Although, she would have freely given-in tosex because her assignment as an undercover wasmore important than being f***ed once by someone shebarely had feelings for. Everything seemed set for aperfect romantic night of intimacy which would havebeen one of a kind should Jude had capitalized on theopportunity. Instead, Jude walked back to the couchwhere she was seated and sat beside her beforeenacting a conversation”You’re welcome to my crib ma’am, please do nothesitate to feel at home.” He said and then curved hislips into a cute smile. Elo replied in appreciation andagain, she stared directly into his eyes but what shesaw was a loving man with a good heart, who wasunfortunately wanted for robbery.
“So Elohor, tell me more about yourself. I meaneverything.” Jude said and leaned his back closertoward a small pillow near him, and raised his eyebrowsup whilst looking interested.Elo was instantly reeled with goose bumps as thoughshe was about to be interviewed by the devil himself,but then, she managed to coordinated herself togetheras she started telling about herself.After she was done telling about herself, she purposelytold the truth about some things, and lied about someother things; but above all, she omitted the part whereshe was a television reporter. It became Jude’s turn togive a hint into his person and he equally did the samething, telling the truth and also lying about himself,especially on what he does for a living.In his story, he started by narrating from the early daysof his youth while he was struggling as a young adultfrom a poor hardworking background.
He was the onlychild his parents had and they virtually gave and soldall they had ensuring that he was able to acquire formaleducation. He was the only hope his pauper parents hadto enjoy the little benefits that life had to offer beforethey would eventually migrate to meet with theircreator. His mother, though, wretched, yet sold herclothes and other belongings to send him throughschool. His late father also took loans to pay for histuition fees, accommodation, feeding and social well-being while he was still an undergraduate. At a point,his father was unable to remit the loans he hadborrowed, then the monetary institution that granted theloans teamed up to take possession of their onlyfarmland which was initially used as collateral and leftthem with nothing.
It wasn’t until then that he wasoffered a scholarship to study abroad after he finishedas the best graduating student in his department whilein the university; but his mother had no money to payfor his travelling ticket, hence, he rejected the offer. Fewyears later, he was able to have his Master’s done inNigeria, at the University of Ibadan but was leftstranded in the labour market with no profiting job tohis degree. Then, his mother was struck with a severeillness. They couldn’t afford to take her to the hospital,that way, they began treating her traditionally, usingmedicinal herbs. To make matters worse, his motherlater passed away while he was holding her helplessly,he clearly asserted that watching his ailing mother dieslowly and unable to do anything to help was the mosttraumatic event that had ever happened to him.
As though that was not enough, he started losing thepeople he called his friends, his longtime lover alsoabandoned him, and then it seemed as if society hadrejected him. Jude stressed that he contemplatedcommitting suicide many times, perhaps, heaven wouldaccept his soul. He then accepted the fact that his storywas undoubtedly touching, but failed to acknowledge toElohor that his life eventually turned around when hemet a man called “GENERAL.”By this time, Elo was already covered with genuine tearsand didn’t know when she started narrating her worstordeal ever experienced. She reflected on a particularrobbery which took place in the city two months earlier,it was one of the worst act of terrorism everexperienced in the land, and even had international newsdesk ‘CNN’ reporting it to the world. Elo revealed toJude that she was the only survivor in that attack whichalmost terminated her life until she was saved by anunknown person who shot dead her supposed killer.
Jude was immediately shocked after a mystery wasunraveled; he had to find out that he was a hero to astrange lady he barely know, and whom he recently metat a function. He was uncomfortable still, butnonetheless, he had no worries having a closeinteraction and friendship with someone like herregardless of the secret they shared among each other.Although, it was against their code of ethics to keepclose relationships with the opposite sex, let alonehaving a conversation with someone involved in one ofthe attack they carried out. Perhaps, he thought it wasonly an instance of coincidence, only if he knew that thelady beside him was working in cooperation with theFBI/POLICE in order to have him and his team arrested.”You’re a good man…
” Elo slowly uttered whilestressing the ‘Good’ part. “…and you should be thankfulto God that your story has changed today.” She added.Elo immediately started having a strong emotionalfeeling toward him, unknown to her that she was takingthe worst decision ever…
It had since passed bed time, and was no longer a timeto reflect on sad memories or long talks. Jude thensuggested to Elohor that they should sign-off for theday as they both started walking beside each otherthrough the staircase while Jude positioned his hand onher waistline and they finally made into his bedroom.The Masterpiece bedroom was dimly lit which had aQueen-sized bed at the Northern corner of the room.Despite having a large space which could occupy aboutfive persons if the need was necessary, Jude insistedthat Elohor sleep alone as he opted to spend the nightat his Visitor’s room.Moments later, Elo switched back her cell phone fromAirplane mode to behold tons of Missed calls and Textmessages from the collaborative unitof the ‘FBI’ in conjunction with the Nigerian police.
Theyhad sent heron this undercover mission and weredesperate to know whether she wassafe and to also ascertain what she was able to garnerfrom her investigation.The Bank had provided the Policewith footage of Jude which was captured by theSurveillance camerasituated at the Bank Premises on theday of the Robbery operation. For about two months,they had beentrying to unravel his identity withoutdisclosing this information to the public. Theinvestigative unit furtherwent to secretly mount his fingerbiometrics to every Supermarket, Event outlet, Bank, andother Business centres that had ‘CCTV’ enabled facilitymounted in its organisation. Eventually, they found outhis complete details and were able to put a tracker onhim which later led them to his house. But trying toplay smart, they decided not to act swiftly and resolvedto set him up using a woman in order not to hinder theireffort to apprehend other members of the Gang.
Elo then shortly put a call through tothe investigative unit and spoke withthe leader of the team. She spoke slightly below hervoice, and madeknown to the leader that she was doing all right butcurrently had noknowledge of the suspect’s whereabout. While sheclaimed tohave spoken with him and eventuallyseeing the movie with him, she liedthat he failed to succumb to her tactics, hence, she wasunable to find out further details about him. She liedagain that he left the scene without her and shestruggled out in the dark to get a cab back to herhouse, but promised to improve her game next time. Itwas evident enough that Elo was already becoming headover heels toward jude; She wasn’t sure whether shewas making the right decision but then, from thereligious angle, she saw a God in Jude, and hoped thathe could one day see the light and become a betterman. Perhaps, God was using her to touch his life forgood, or so she thought.Betterstill, the Devil was once anAngel, same way an Angel could turnto become the Devil, but either way;she wanted to have a perfect blendbetween Good and Evil as a way ofreporting the story in the most exceptional way. Moreso, when youdecide to Dine and Wine with the Devil, you shouldalways expect theunexpected.ONE WEEK AFTERJude and Elo had been able to develop a greater bondbetween each other their rapport grew rapidly as thoughthey had known each other for ages. After Elo left hishouse the following day, they kept communicating morefrequently, met on several occasions and soon startedbehaving like lovers.
Their friendship had suddenlytransformed into an unofficial relationship, except ofcourse – should Jude take a bold step in asking her tobe his girlfriend.However, Jude had planned to profess his love to her,and make his intention known toward her as he hadfixed a date for the both of themat a Classy Restaurant. The Night forthe date finally came and they met ata Rendezvous. The tryst was beautifully decorated withgood music, flashy lights and candle themed dinner.May Also Like :Silent Seduction By FiyahThey made their orders to the server and the foods wereshortly served. They discussed about different things,especially about themselves and it gets to a point whenJude magically unveiled a Black-box with a diamondring placed inside, and then popped the big question.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Jude romantically enquiredwith a racing heart while squatting one of his knees onthe tiled floor.Elo was then shocked by his proposal; Even though sheloved him, she didn’t expected him to propose soquickly. But after remaining silent for a while, she brokethe silence still.”Can you die for love?” Elo asked while staring at himwith a straight face. Jude became stunned by herquestion. He had not expected her to be sarcastic withsuch a serious matter.”Pardon! Is that your own way of evaluating my love foryou?” He retorted by answering her question withanother question”C’mon babe, don’t be mad at the question. I don’tmean to trample on your feelings. I just had a dreamthat…” She was saying.”Ain’t nobody talking about no dream here. This isreality girl.
Be real with me. Is it a ‘Yay’ or a ‘Nay’?”Jude interrupted and dropped the tongue waggingbombshell while switching to the African-Americandiction which had a huge influence in his originalaccent.”A’ight! I’m sorry Babe.. Didn’t mean to offend you. I’llgladly be your woman anyday, Yay!” She accepted hisrequest and smiled while they lovingly stood up to hugone another. Just then, Elo saw two detectives from thepolice station whom she could clearly identify wanderingabout at an extreme in the restaurant, then her moodsuddenly changed.”You know what Babe, as a matter of urgency, I thinkwe should start leaving!” She Lamented.”Start leaving?! We had barely finished our meal. Whythe sudden rush?” Jude asked a thousand questions atonce.”It’s nothing. I just have a bad sensation thatsomething uncool may happen here tonight, and we mayas well be doomed if we don’t leave here right now.
“She asserted and held his hand firmly while they beganleaving the venue following another exit route.In the end, Jude kind of suspected that something fishywent on, but decided to allow the thought slide notwanting to start up an argument.They eventually reached Jude’s apartment withouthaving much to say to each other before arriving home.Somehow, Jude was able to weather the storm as thedate practically continued at his sitting-room. He hadreached for a bottle of wine from his shelf filled withcollection of assorted wines and alcoholic beverages.
They made a toast, drank and danced to the fullest, themood was becoming heated and before you could say’Jack Bauer’ they started stripping themselves unclad,and Jude proceeded to give her a hot blown sex of herlife. After the deed was done, they both instantaneouslyforgot themselves and slept off half-unclad in thesitting-room, but in the dawn of the following morning,an uninvited guest crashed into the house and therewas trouble…

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